Generative Spirits: Conversations with Catholic Sisters

Season 2, Ep. 3: Spirits on Fire

Season 2 Episode 3

Our May episode highlights Spirits on Fire, a Year-Long formation program for lay leaders in the CSSJ Mission and Tradition. Our guest will be Sr. Judith Minear, a sister of St. Joseph of the Congregation of St. Joseph, or CSJ, who serves as the Coordinator of Mission Integration with CSJ ministries and one of the leaders of Spirits on Fire. Started in 2016, this program serves to form a group of experienced leaders from the Congregation of St. Joseph and the Sisters of St. Joseph to engage deeply with the CSSJ charism in a transformative process of growth. As a member of the Generative Spirit Advisory Committee and the Curriculum Committee for the Ministry Leadership Program, Sr. Judith brings her many years of experience working with leaders of all ages. 

In an effort to continue the mission of the sisters, Spirits on Fire, focuses their efforts on ongoing formation through accompaniment. 

To learn more about Spirits on Fire, visit


1. Spirits on Fire is a year-long formation program for lay leaders
in the CSSJ Mission and Tradition. To learn more about Spirits on Fire, visit 

2. CSJ - Congregation of St. Joseph. The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph is a religious community of nearly 500 vowed Catholic women and over 500 lay associates who live and minister in the U.S. and around the world (via