Generative Spirits: Conversations with Catholic Sisters

Season 2, Ep. 1: Addressing Food Insecurity

Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of our second season! For our first episode of 2021, we are uplifting the stories of sisters working against Food Insecurity in honor of Catholic Sisters Week. We highlight the East Cleveland Community Garden which began in 2007 by East Cleveland resident Gladys Walcott. Gladys serves as the garden's leader today.

In 2017, as part of her Golden Jubilee celebration, the 50th anniversary of taking her vows as a Catholic sister, Sr. Marie Manning, SND decided to become more involved in the community where she worships at St. Philomena Church. Sr. Marie began her involvement at E.C. Community garden as a gardener and assistant in planning, as well as a fundraiser. 

To learn more about the topic of Food Insecurity, we interview Sr. Marie Manning, SND about her experience at the garden and the Coit Road Farmers Market in East Cleveland.


1. Visit E. C. Grows Community Garden at 15000 Woodworth Road, Cleveland, Ohio

2. Donate or learn more to E. C. Grows Community Garden - 

2. Coit Road Farmers Market - 

3. “White Catholics will never change if they don’t encounter their marginalized neighbors” - America Magazine.

4. Catholic Sisters week is an annual recognition of the work of women religious standing with the marginalized, including immigrants, children, racial and economic injustice, in an effort to share their work and spirituality, create community, and offer hope. More information can be found at