Generative Spirits: Conversations with Catholic Sisters

Season 2, Ep. 4: Leadership in Sister Communities

Season 2 Episode 4

Our June episode centers on Leadership in Sister Communities. Our guest will be Sr. Margaret Taylor, a sister of the Incarnate Word (SIW), and Sr. Pat Kozak, a sister of St. Joseph (CSJ). They serve on and support the Conference of Religious Leadership (CORL) of Northeast Ohio. We start with an overview of Sister congregations, the ways congregations have changed, and the impact of their role in leadership. 

Margaret Taylor, SIW is a Sister of the Incarnate Word from Parma Heights.  She taught elementary school for 16 years and was elected to congregational leadership in 1990, serving two terms as Congregational Leader. She was elected again as Congregational Leader in 2015 and re-elected in 2019, a role she currently holds.  Pat Kozak is a member of the Congregation of Saint Joseph, living in Cleveland, Ohio. She has served in congregational leadership and currently works as a facilitator and consultant to religious congregations in the US and Canada. 


1. CORL stands for the Conference of Religious Leadership

2. Sr. Pat references a quote from the poet Rainer Maria Rilke. It can be found in a letter in “Letters To A Young Poet #6” to Mr. Krappus, sent from Rome in 1903. Full quote here: “Be patient and without bitterness, and realize that the least we can do is to make coming into existence no more difficult for Him than the earth does for spring when it wants to come.”

3. To learn more about the Sisters of the Incarnate Word, please visit 

4. To learn more about the Congregation of Saint Joseph, please visit